Cultivating Community

My name is Kayla, and I'm the owner + founder of Amidst the Alders.
I drink iced coffee all year long, drive a 1965 Mercury Comet (when I'm not driving my manual transmission Honda Element), can sail a boat, build furniture, and love the Oxford Comma.
I love writing and enjoy proper grammar; I'm awful at simple math.
I'm drawn to all genres of music, but my favorite is folksy-style acoustics with a good guitar riff. Throw in some mandolin, violin and banjo- I'm sold. I moved to Nashville at age 20 to pursue songwriting. I came back home when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I founded my first business, a wholesale handmade jewelry company, when I was 23. I began working for myself full-time, and haven't worked for anyone else since. In its prime, my jewelry company, circa1910, was sold in over 100 stores nationwide and in Australia.
I have a special power where I can guess pretty accurate measurements by looking at something. I can also make the ugliest faces you've ever seen. I do them often to freak out friends.
I'm one half Italian. I also married a full Italian.
I love playing pranks on people.
I laugh at inappropriate things more than a 12 year old boy.
I don't like mainstream, well, anything. 'Trendy' is my least favorite adjective.
I love artsy, different individuals. They're usually the nicest ones.
I am very open-minded and love all people, but especially fellow cool ones who share in my open-mindedness.
Dogs! Did I mention dogs?? I love 'em. I have 4 rescues, all with shady, sad pasts. They're all properly spoiled now, like the 40-70lb angels they are. (Adopt don't shop!)
I don't care who you are, if you're kind, I love ya and I want to spend time with you.
I loathe small talk. Tell me about your dreams, your goals, your childhood. There's not enough of that these days.
Old people are our future. Literally, figuratively, physically. Listen to their stories. Reach out to the lonely ones. They've had it harder than we could ever realize, and they need strangers to step up and care. You'll be amazed at what you learn. Humbled, too.
My favorite genre of clothing is the early 1900-1910s, specifically from the West: wide leather belts and lace up boots, long full skirts, neutral colors, crisp white high neck button down blouses neatly tucked in. Swoon!
I have a neat collection of antique clothing that I someday hope to muster up the courage to wear in public.
Thanks for reading my nonsense. If you can resonate with any of the above, we're probably going to be best friends.
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